Before becoming known for his iconic role as Wolverine, this actor worked as a clown at children's parties. Who is he?
Russell Crowe
Hugh Jackman
Chris Hemsworth
Patrick Stewart
This pop sensation, known for her powerful vocals and hits like "All I Want for Christmas Is You," started as a beauty salon's coat checker. Who is she?
Mariah Carey
Whitney Houston
Known for his comedic genius in films and as a former "Saturday Night Live" star, this actor sold popcorn at a movie theater before his rise to fame. Who is he?
Will Ferrell
Eddie Murphy
Chris Rock
Adam Sandler
Before she starred in "Transformers" and became a household name, this actress dressed in a banana suit to promote a smoothie shop. Who is she?
Jessica Alba
Megan Fox
Scarlett Johansson
Angelina Jolie
This actor, known for his roles in "The Notebook" and "La La Land," worked as a sandwich maker before his acting career took off. Who is he?
Jake Gyllenhaal
Ryan Gosling
Bradley Cooper
Ryan Reynolds