This renowned actor, known for his dramatic and often intense roles, had an early career romance with a co-star from a cult classic film. Who is he?
Daniel Day-Lewis
Edward Norton
Joaquin Phoenix
Christian Bale
Before her multi-platinum records, this pop singer dated a then-upcoming rapper who would later win multiple Grammy Awards. Who is she?
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
Known for her roles in both blockbuster movies and acclaimed indie films, this actress was once in a relationship with a fellow actor from her drama school days. Who is she?
Emma Watson
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Anne Hathaway
This actor, a favorite in action and sci-fi films, secretly dated his co-star from one of his first major film roles. Who is he?
Keanu Reeves
Hugh Jackman
Tom Hardy
Chris Pratt
Before becoming a global pop icon, this singer had a brief but notable relationship with a co-star from her debut film. Who is she?
Taylor Swift
Jennifer Lopez
Britney Spears