Connect Jennifer Lopez to Benedict Cumberbatch.
Scarlett Johansson - Starred in superhero movies with Cumberbatch and romantic comedies with Lopez.
Chris Evans - Worked on action thrillers with Lopez and shared blockbuster sets with Cumberbatch.
Keira Knightley - Appeared in historical dramas with Cumberbatch and musical dramas with Lopez.
Robert Downey Jr. - Co-starred in superhero films with Cumberbatch and crime dramas with Lopez.
How is Anne Hathaway linked to Ryan Gosling?
Marion Cotillard - Co-starred in dramas with Hathaway and worked on romantic thrillers with Gosling.
Jake Gyllenhaal - Shared dramatic roles with Hathaway and thrillers with Gosling.
Emma Stone - Featured in romantic comedies with Gosling and musicals with Hathaway.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Worked on sci-fi blockbusters with Hathaway and indie films with Gosling.
Connect Denzel Washington to Emma Watson.
Ethan Hawke - Worked on training day with Washington and sci-fi adventures with Watson.
Tom Hanks - Shared dramatic scenes with Washington and educational biopics with Watson.
Hugh Jackman - Starred in musicals with Watson and action thrillers with Washington.
Russell Crowe - Acted in thrillers with Washington and historical dramas with Watson.
Find the link from Chris Pratt to Nicole Kidman.
Matt Damon - Featured in space epics with Pratt and legal dramas with Kidman.
Kristen Bell - Voiced animations with Pratt and worked on comedies with Kidman.
Bradley Cooper - Starred in action comedies with Pratt and psychological thrillers with Kidman.
Zoe Saldana - Adventure films with Pratt and period dramas with Kidman.
How can you connect Will Smith to Kate Winslet?
Leonardo DiCaprio - Epic romances with Winslet and blockbuster thrillers with Smith.
Eva Mendes - Romantic comedies with Smith and dramatic roles with Winslet.
Charlize Theron - Superhero films with Smith and drama thrillers with Winslet.
Jodie Foster - Sci-fi films with Smith and period pieces with Winslet.