Which pair would create a groundbreaking documentary series that explores the wonders and mysteries of the deep ocean, combining expertise in filmmaking and marine conservation?
Leonardo DiCaprio & Hayley Atwell
James Cameron & Sylvia Earle
Jason Momoa & Ellen Page
Chris Hemsworth & Cate Blanchett
In a world seeking sustainable futures, who would co-found an eco-friendly tech company developing renewable energy solutions for remote and underserved communities?
Jeff Bezos & Natalie Portman
Mark Zuckerberg & Angelina Jolie
Elon Musk & Emma Watson
Bill Gates & Shailene Woodley
Who would star in a musical feature film that tells the story of jazz legends, blending historical authenticity with modern sensibilities to introduce jazz to a new generation?
Jamie Foxx & Beyoncé
Donald Glover & Zendaya
John Legend & Scarlett Johansson
Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone
Imagining a duo that launches a global health initiative, focusing on mental wellness through a series of workshops, apps, and community centers, who would it be?
Hugh Jackman & Lady Gaga
Dwayne Johnson & Selena Gomez
Chris Evans & Demi Lovato
Oprah Winfrey & Will Smith
Which duo would open a chain of innovative plant-based restaurants, making sustainable and healthy eating accessible and appealing to a wide audience?
Joaquin Phoenix & Ellen Pompeo
Zac Efron & Natalie Portman
Paul McCartney & Alicia Silverstone
Jared Leto & Gwyneth Paltrow