"Zombieland" – Is this movie secretly a romantic comedy?
No, it's an action thriller
Yes, it's a rom-com
No, it's a sci-fi adventure
No, it's a horror comedy
"Silver Linings Playbook" – Does this film fall under the romantic comedy category?
No, it's a psychological drama
Yes, it's a rom-com
No, it's an indie film
No, it's a dance movie
"The Shape of Water" – Would you consider this an unconventional romantic comedy?
Yes, it's a rom-com
No, it's a historical film
No, it's a fantasy drama
No, it's a thriller
"Wedding Crashers" – Is this movie a romantic comedy?
No, it's a buddy film
Yes, it's a rom-com
No, it's a pure comedy
No, it's a drama
"A Quiet Place" – Could this be a hidden romantic comedy?
No, it's a science fiction
No, it's a horror film
No, it's a survival thriller
Yes, it's a rom-com