This Hollywood starlet, known for her role in "La La Land," was famously in a relationship with her co-star from "The Amazing Spider-Man." Who is she?
Anne Hathaway
Emma Stone
Scarlett Johansson
Jennifer Lawrence
This British actor, known for his captivating role in "Sherlock," was romantically linked to an actress from "Doctor Who." Who is he?
Matt Smith
Tom Hiddleston
Daniel Radcliffe
Benedict Cumberbatch
This singing diva, with hits like "We Belong Together," was once married to a famous TV host and comedian. Who is she?
Mariah Carey
Whitney Houston
Alicia Keys
Known for his role in "Fight Club," this actor was once married to a co-star from "Mr. & Mrs. Smith." Who is he?
Edward Norton
Matt Damon
Brad Pitt
George Clooney
This superstar couple, known for their music and influential presence, consists of a rapper who once declared "99 Problems" and a singer with "Lemonade." Who are they?
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel
Kanye West and Kim Kardashian
Jay-Z and Beyoncé
Drake and Rihanna