This acclaimed actor, known for his intense roles in drama and action films, had a discreet relationship with an actress who later won an Oscar for her performance in a biographical movie. Who is he?
Joaquin Phoenix
Christian Bale
Edward Norton
Leonardo DiCaprio
Before she was a multi-platinum-selling artist, this singer dated a now-iconic music producer during her teenage years in the late 90s. Who is she?
Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Jennifer Lopez
This movie star, known for his charismatic presence in romantic comedies, was once linked to a co-star from a popular TV sitcom of the early 90s. Who is he?
George Clooney
Brad Pitt
Hugh Grant
Matthew McConaughey
This actress, renowned for her role in a series of sci-fi thrillers, had a long-term relationship with a director famous for his work in the horror genre. Who is she?
Sigourney Weaver
Milla Jovovich
Natalie Portman
Kate Winslet
Before he became a household name in Hollywood, this actor had a serious relationship with a then-aspiring actress who is now a leading lady in superhero films. Who is he?
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Hemsworth
Tom Hiddleston
Chris Evans