Connect Leonardo DiCaprio to Helen Mirren.
Johnny Depp - Starred in dramas with DiCaprio and fantasy films with Mirren.
Kate Winslet - Featured in an iconic romance with DiCaprio and a biopic with Mirren.
Jeremy Irons - Co-starred in period pieces with DiCaprio and dramatic films with Mirren.
Morgan Freeman - Worked in thrillers with DiCaprio and historical dramas with Mirren.
How is Emily Blunt linked to Jeff Bridges?
Colin Firth - Featured in a romantic comedy with Blunt and a drama with Bridges.
Benicio Del Toro - Worked on action movies with Blunt and fantasy adventures with Bridges.
Meryl Streep - Starred in a musical with Blunt and a fantasy film with Bridges.
Maggie Smith - Appeared in a fantasy drama with Blunt and a suspense thriller with Bridges.
Connect Matt Damon to Zendaya.
Michelle Williams - Appeared in dramas with Damon and musical biopics with Zendaya.
Tom Holland - Worked in sci-fi adventures with Damon and superhero movies with Zendaya.
Michael Keaton - Featured in superhero films with Damon and dramas with Zendaya.
Jude Law - Co-starred in thrillers with Damon and musical dramas with Zendaya.
Find the path from Ryan Reynolds to Cate Blanchett.
Jude Law - Appeared in sci-fi movies with Reynolds and historical dramas with Blanchett.
Sandra Bullock - Co-starred in comedies with Reynolds and dramas with Blanchett.
Samuel L. Jackson - Worked on action movies with Reynolds and adventure films with Blanchett.
Mark Ruffalo - Featured in superhero films with Reynolds and fantasy movies with Blanchett.
How can you connect Jennifer Lawrence to Anthony Hopkins?
Robert De Niro - Worked in dramas with Lawrence and suspense thrillers with Hopkins.
Julianne Moore - Featured in a dystopian saga with Lawrence and a psychological thriller with Hopkins.
Chris Pratt - Starred in a sci-fi film with Lawrence and a thriller with Hopkins.
Ed Harris - Appeared in a biopic with Lawrence and a drama with Hopkins.